Namespace AlgorithmsSW.EdgeWeightedGraph
- BoruvkasAlgorithmImproved<TWeight>
An implementation of Boruvka's algorithm to find the MST of a graph.
- BoruvkasAlgorithmImprovement2<TWeight>
This implementation is the same as BoruvkasAlgorithmImproved<TWeight> with a few tweaks, but the algorithms perform nearly the same.
- EdgeComparer<TWeight>
A comparer for weighted edges.
- EdgeWeightedGraphExtensions
Provides extension methods for IEdgeWeightedGraph<TWeight>.
- EdgeWeightedGraphWithAdjacencyLists<TWeight>
Represents a weighted graph data structure.
- Edge<TWeight>
Represents an edge in an edge-weighted graph.
- EuclideanDistanceGraph
Graph where the weight of the edges is the euclidean distance between the vertexes, which are points in 3D space.
- KruskalMstDWayHeap<TWeight>
An implementation of Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph, using a N-heap.
- LazyPrimMstDWayHeap<TWeight>
A lazy implementation of Prim's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph, using a N-heap.
- RandomGraph
Provides methods for generating random graphs.
- IEdgeWeightedGraph<TWeight>
Represents a weighted graph data structure.
- IMst<TWeight>
An algorithm for calculating the minimum spanning tree of a edge weighted graph.
- IReadOnlyEdgeWeightedGraph<TWeight>
Represents a read-only weighted graph data structure.