Namespace AlgorithmsSW.Digraph
- DepthFirstOrder
Provides an algorithm for finding the vertices in a directed graph in depth-first pre-order, post-order, and reverse post-order.
- DigraphWithAdjacentsLists
Represents a directed graph using an array of adjacency lists.
- DirectedCycle
Provides an algorithm for finding a directed cycle in a digraph== if one exists.
- DirectedDepthFirstSearch
Provides and algorithm for finding all vertices reachable from a given vertex or set of vertices in a directed graph.
- HamiltonianPathWithDegrees
Algorithm to find a Hamiltonian cycle in a directed graph.
- Kosaraju
Provides an algorithm for finding the strongly connected components of a directed graph.
- RandomGraph
Generates random digraphs.
- StrongComponents
An algorithm that finds the strong components of a directed graph.
- Topological
An algorithm that topologically sorts a directed graph.
- TransitiveClosure
Provides an algorithm for finding all vertices reachable from a given vertex or set of vertices in a directed graph.